Masterchef Maggie Beer Week

It is Maggie Beer week on Masterchef. The contestants arrive at Masterchef Headquarters and are expecting a mystery box. They walk in the door and notice there are no mystery boxes on their benches. The judges announce Maggie Beer as the guest judge today and the contestants are super excited. As Maggie is here, they’ve […]

Maggie Beer Week Masterchef

cubes elimination

Team elimination on Masterchef tonight 1

Tonight is Masterchef elimination, the red team from yesterday’s challenge is going into an elimination. Charlie, Matt, Zoe, Mimi, Cecilia, Heather, Elise and Anastasia. First up the judges ask Matt if he is going to play his immunity pin tonight. He decides to play the pin tonight, so he is now safe. Now the contestants are […]

Team Challenge – Helenic Republic

It is a team challenge tonight on Masterchef Australia. It is at George Columbaris’ own restaurant, Helenic Republic in Kew. The teams have to cook a Greek feast and the teams are chosen randomly by George. George brings out the dishes that will be cooked today. One is a lamb on a spit, each team […]

helenic republic

immunity challenge

Immunity Pin Jaffle Toastie Challenge 1

Tonight on Masterchef Australia is the Immunity Pin challenge. There are two pins up for grabs, Nicollete already has one, but there might be two more at the end of tonight. There are four contestants, Chloe, Mimi, Brett and Karmen. The first challenge will be to cook in pairs. Chloe won the previous challenge and […]

Masterchef elimination – Charlie vs Theresa vs Brett

Tonight’s Masterchef elimination is Charlie vs Theresa vs Brett in a pressure test. The contestants have never been in a pressure test before although it is Charlie’s fourth time in an elimination. Tonight’s guest chef is Jason Atherton. He has 19 restaurants on four continents and has worked with Marco Pierre White. Jason walks in […]

masterchef elimination jason atherton

Masterchef Mystery Box Ingredients

MasterChef Mystery Box Ingredients – Winner Straight Through to Immunity

First off, Matt tells the contestants that they need to keep their scraps tonight. George says the winner from the mystery box tonight will go straight through to the immunity challenge. The contestants have 60 minutes to cook a dish that contains at least one of the ingredients in the box. Here are the Masterchef […]

Masterchef Elimination Cake Challenge 1

Tonight on Masterchef Australia the blue team from yesterday’s challenge will compete in the Masterchef elimination. The contestants competing in tonight’s challenge are Matt, Charlie, Con, Mimi, Brett and Elise. The first part of today’s elimination challenge is they have to name all 30 cakes that are on the display. If the contestants name a […]

Matt Sinclair Masterchef Contestant

masterchef team challenge fete

Masterchef Team Challenge Nigella Lawson Fete

Tonight’s Masterchef Team Challenge is at the Melbourne Showgrounds. It is nigella week, so the dishes must feature jam. There will be 1000 – 2000 guests and the contestants will be split into three teams of six, each cooking three dishes. The winner will be decided by the guests, the two teams who make the […]

Nigella midnight snack immunity pin challenge

Tonight on Masterchef Matt Preston and Nigella Lawson arrive at the Masterchef house and wake up Mimi, Harry and Karmen. They want them to cook a midnight feast, one of Nigella’s favourite things. Nigella is looking for the contestants to cook something bold and pleasurable. The contestants have 30 minutes to cook something for a […]

immunity pin harry

masterchef elimination

Masterchef elimination Nigella pressure test

Tonight on Masterchef, Miles, Jimmy and Chloe will be battling it out in a pressure test. The three contestants arrive at Masterchef headquarters and are greeted with cheers from their fellow contestants on the balcony. The judges and Nigella are also there. Today’s pressure test has been set by Nigella. Today’s challenge is all about […]