MasterChef Nigella Lawson Week

It is MasterChef Australia Nigella Lawson week. Nigella Lawson will be appearing in each MasterChef episode this week. It is a Mystery Box challenge and Nigella Lawson has personally chosen each ingredient. Here are the MasterChef Mystery Box Ingredients: Butternut Pumpkin Chestnut Chicken thighs Pippies Fresh ginger Pancetta Feta Cumin The judges are only tasting […]

masterchef nigella lawson

Shock Elimination on Masterchef

Tonight on Masterchef the blue team from last night’s challenge are all up for elimination. The elimination tonight will be in two rounds. In round one they must prepare a raw dish, no heat can touch any part of the dish. They must choose one ingredient from the pantry. The ingredient they choose in the […]

Team Challenge Huxtable and Pei Modern

It’s team challenge night on MasterChef. The teams are split into two and they have to cook meals for 30 guests of Huxtable and Pei Modern in Melbourne. The captain and vice captains of the teams will go to the restaurants and have to learn what they are going to cook without a pen and paper. […]

team challenge

Immunity pin popcorn challenge

Tonight on Masterchef Australia Con, Anastasia and Nicolette battle to win the immunity pin. Only one the contestants will get through to the next round. Con, Anastasia and Nicolette arrive at Masterchef headquarters. Shannon Bennett is also back in the kitchen to guide the contestants. The first round is when the three cooks cook off […]

MasterChef Elimination Karmen vs Olivia vs Chloe

Masterchef Elimination tonight is Karmen, Olivia and Chloe with special guest, former Masterchef contestant Reynold. Who was eliminated from Masterchef tonight? Find out here. Karmen, Olivia and Chloe arrive at Masterchef headquarters. They are greeted by the judges. Today one person is going home. Today’s pressure test is to recreate a signature dish from guest […]

masterchef elimination olivia chloe and karmen

MaterChef Mystery Box Ingredients

What are the MasterChef Mystery Box Ingredients chosen by the viewers? 1

Tonight is the MasterChef Mystery Box challenge and it is the first time that the ingredients have been chosen by the viewers. What are the masterchef mystery box ingredients? Tonight it is Cauliflower, Maple Syrup, Coconut, Goats Cheese, Okra, Lemon Myrtle, Beef Mince and Arrow Squid. There are a few interesting ideas. Con is making a […]

Masterchef Elimination Marco Week 1

The blue team from yesterday’s challenge is in the Masterchef kitchen in their black aprons tonight. Tonight’s elimination has two rounds. The first round is the alphabet game. Underneath each cloche is an ingredient that corresponds to the alphabet letter. Miles starts with letter B. He says basil and it’s correct. Anastasia choses D. She says […]

masterchef elimination

Plough Hotel Team Challenge

Today’s challenge is set at the Plough Hotel in Footscray. It’s a team service challenge and Marco is running the pass. The contestants are standing in a line and George splits the line in half and half is now the red team and the other half is the blue team. Captains have been chosen. Each […]

First Masterchef Immunity Pin Challenge

It is the first masterchef immunity pin challenge for MasterChef 2016 and it is Olivia, Nidhi and Zoe cooking off to win. Who will win? The contestants have to cook pasta and a sauce in the first round. The winner will be cooking against Jake Kellie of the Estelle in Melbourne. He is the young chef of the […]

jake kellie

Marco Pierre White Elimination Dish

Marco Pierre White Elimination

On Marco Pierre White week tonight on Masterchef Australia the three contestants who cooked the least impressive dishes yesterday in the mystery box challenge will need to keep up with cooking with Marco tonight. The three contestants are Con, Cecelia and Nathaniel. Who will be eliminated in tonight’s pressure test. The contestants arrive at Masterchef headquarters and […]