Tracy’s Mystery Box Power

Tonight was the first night of Tracy’s power and she chose the mystery box. The ingredients she chose were: Lemon Sugar Snap Peas Skate Custard Apple Mint Goats Cheese Jerusalem Artichoke Nutmeg A lot of the contestants had not cooked skate before, some had not even tasted it, so Emelia and Brent both cooked a […]

Who wins the power apron?

Who wins the power apron? Masterchef Australia tonight is a challenge to win the power apron. The following contestants are eligible: Jamie Emelia Renea Amy Brent Tracy The challenge today is each of the six contestants cooking an entree. From there, three contestants will go through to the next round to cook a main course. […]

Curtis Stone and Raising money for the Starlight Foundation

Today is a 6 course degustation cook-off to raise money for the starlight foundation. Each team must cook three dishes and the winners will go into a challenge tomorrow with the winner of that challenge getting a huge advantage next week. The main ingredient was cirtus, every dish must include this as an ingredient. The […]

Masterchef Come Back, who returns? 1

Tonight was the masterchef come back, one contestant will return to the competition. All the eliminated contestants were eligible. The eliminated contestants were given two mystery boxes. The first box had all the ingredients from their eliminated dish, the second dish contained ingredients from their best dish in the competition. The eliminated contestants had to […]

Who comes back in Masterchef 2014?

UPDATE: Who comes back? Find out in our live blog here Tomorrow night one contestant comes back in the Masterchef 2014 competition. All of the eliminate contestants come back and cook off for a second chance spot back in the competition. Who returns for a second chance? We’ll know tomorrow night! Who do you think will […]

Vikas Khanna

Who is eliminated tonight? Laura, Georgia, Renae or Amy? 1

Who is eliminated tonight? It’s Laura, Georgia, Renae and Amy who must replicate an Indian cuisine, cooked by the Indian Masterchef host and Michelin Star chef Vikkas Khanna. The dish the contestants have to cook was Rose-tea Smoked Chicken Tikka Masala.

What was in the Mystery Box in World Cup Week?

Tonight’s Masterchef Mystery box challenge had a twist. The contestants were asked who would back themselves, with the winner of the mystery box challenge going straight to the immunity challenge and loser going straight through to the elimination pressure test. Half the contestants backed themselves. They were asked a series of questions starting with easy […]

Renaes Date Leather

Catch Up Episodes 2014

Miss an episode? See the latest Masterchef Catch Up Episodes. There is usually a mystery box challenge followed by an invention test on Sunday, the bottom three facing elimination on Monday. Tuesday is an immunity pin challenge between the top three. On wednesday there is a team challenge with the losing team facing elimination on […]

Tash says she was marginalised in the Masterchef house

The latest eliminated contestant, Tash Shan, says she was marginalised in the Masterchef house. The 27 year old Social Media Manager was eliminated in the risotto challenge against Kira, Brent, Colin and Emelia. She cooked a lemon and asparagus risotto which the judges thought was the worst dish of the night. Tash has been a […]

Did Laura use her immunity pin? Who was eliminated tonight? 1

Who was eliminated from Masterchef tonight and did Laura use her immunity pin? The losing team from last night’s English challenge, Emelia, Colin, Laura, Kira, Tash and Brent have to face off in an elimination challenge. Laura has an immunity pin and she chose to use it tonight. To decide what will cooked in the challenge […]