Masterchef Individual Challenge – Top 7

Tonight’s Masterchef team challenge was at Circa, The Prince in St Kilda. It was a 7 course degustation menu and each contestant was responsible for one dish. They started with a knife-pull to see who would be cooking which course. They find out the main ingredient they will be cooking with when they enter the kitchen. […]

Masterchef Immunity Pin Jessie, Reynold, Georgia, Sara 2

Tonight’s Masterchef Immunity Challenge started with Jessie, Reynold, Georgia and Sara in a challenge to guess the herbs under the kloshes. Jessie and Reynold won this challenge and they both had the chance to win a pin each tonight. They had to impress the judges with their dishes against the executive chef of Iceberg, Jaclyn and […]

Masterchef Elimination Matthew, Jessica, Billie, Ashleigh 2

Tonight’s Masterchef Elimination is between Matthew, Jessica, Billie and Ashleigh. Who was eliminated from masterchef tonight? It was a pressure test, set by Darren Purchese, was a recipe called “Passion Flower”. It was an intricate, delicate dish with many, many parts. The contestants will have 2 hours and 45 minutes to prepare and 10 minutes […]

Masterchef Mystery Box – Top 8

Tonight was Masterchef Mystery Box. It was the top 8, definitely the business end of the competition. There were 8 Mystery Boxes that the contestants have already cooked with in the competition. Each contestant had to pick a box, they couldn’t see what was in it. Matt had the “use everything” mystery box, he was […]

Masterchef Elimination Result – Rick Stein

Tonight’s Masterchef Elimination was between Georgia, Jessie, Matthew, Ashleigh, Amy and Billie. Ashleigh has an immunity pin. Who was eliminated from Masterchef tonight? Rick Stein was the guest chef tonight. The contestants had to pick a fish and a cuisine from a basket, they couldn’t see what they were picking. They had to cook the fish in […]

Rick Stein Masterchef

Masterchef Team Challenge – American Style Barbecue Challenge 8

Tonight’s Masterchef Team challenge was an American Style Barbecue Challenge. The contestants were divided into three teams of three. Only one team will be safe from elimination tomorrow. The blue team was Sara, Jessica and Reynold. The yellow team matthew ashleigh and Amy. Finally, the blue team was Jessie, Billie, Georgia. The guest chef tonight was American “champion […]

Masterchef Immunity Challenge Sara vs Jessie vs Jessica

Sara, Jessica and Jessie are competing for immunity tonight. In the first round they are competing to see who can make the best batter. The winner of round one will compete against the guest chef. In round one they need to make a dish that showcases batter. It needs to be golden and crispy on […]

Mastchef Elimination Reynold vs Matt vs Rose 2

Tonight’s Masterchef elimination is between Reynold, Matt and Rose. Who was eliminated from Masterchef tonight? It was a dessert challenge from the head chef at 2am restaurant in Singapore, Janice Wong. Her signature dish was “cassis plum”. The contestants had the recipe and they were off. Within a minute, Reynold had smashed one of his glasses. […]

Masterchef Mystery Box – Top 10 Contestants 3

Tonight’s Masterchef challenge was a mystery box challenge. It was the Masterchef top 10 and down to the business end of the competition. The mystery box tonight contained: Sugar ants, Pheasant, Sorghum, Bolivian achacha, Armenian cheese, New Zealand yam, Mexican cucumber, coffee flour and dried green mango. George said he had only ever cooked with a […]

Masterchef Elimination Twist – Rose, Matthew, Billie, Sara, Jessie 1

Tonight’s Masterchef Elimination is between the losing red team from last night’s challenge. It is Rose, Matthew, Billie, Sara and Jessie who are in the elimination tonight. Billie had an immunity pin, she decided to use it tonight to save herself. The challenge tonight was a pie challenge. It had to be a pie that you could cut slice from […]