Tonight’s Masterchef Immunity Challenge started with Jessie, Reynold, Georgia and Sara in a challenge to guess the herbs under the kloshes. Jessie and Reynold won this challenge and they both had the chance to win a pin each tonight. They had to impress the judges with their dishes against the executive chef of Iceberg, Jaclyn and Monty Koludrovic.

Source: Twitter
There were two courses, one main course and one dessert.
The two professional chefs, Monty and Jaclyn made mussels and snapper Jacqui made chocolate mousse.
Jessie cooked lobster with fennel and orange. George said it was “simplicity” and looked “elegant”. Jessie was a bit disappointed with herself. Matt said “i’m loving this”, it had a few technical flaws, but if it was called a bisque it would be perfect. George said there “was not much to pick on this dish, it was very good”.
Reynold cooked coconut with passionfruit and pineapple. There was a bit of theatre at the table with the sauce being poured into the dish.
George loved it. It was “cold, hot, creamy, loving this”. Gary said the mousse of passionfruit was “absolutely smashing. Matt loved the whole thing, it was “so sophisticated” like a “Northern Queensland summer holiday”.
Monty & Jacqui
Gary – Main: 10/10 Dessert: 8/10
George – Main: 9/10 Dessert: 9/10
Matt – Main: 9/10 Dessert: 9/10
Total: 54/60
Jessie & Reynold
Gary – Main: 7/10 Dessert: 10/10
George – Main: 8/10 Dessert: 10/10
Matt – Main: 8/10 Dessert: 10/10
Total: 53/60
Reynold received a perfect score, 30/30 for his dish.
Unfortunately, Reynold and Jessie didn’t win the immunity pins tonight.
Hey I reckon it was a bit rough that Gary gave them a 7. It should have been an 8 or a 9. And really if they were taking 2-3 points off for a sauce that was not 100% then why did they only take off 1 point for a dessert sauce they hated?
The word is cloche (like the hat) not klosh.