Tonight’s Masterchef Elimination is between Jessica, Reynold and Billie. Who will be eliminated tonight? It is a pressure test and they must cook a fish dish.
Unfortunately, Masterchef updated their facebook site too early and spoiled who was eliminated from masterchef tonight. It’s Thursday night and we’re going to write up the episode anyway 🙂

Source: Twitter
They were all off to a good start. Jessica was falling behind, she had to pick up the pace. This is the dish:

Source: Instagram
Reynold was preparing his garlic, but he was supposed to slice the garlic but decided to micro-plane it instead. This is going to give it a very strong flavour. The judges go over to Jessica’s bench and taste a few of her elements, they liked it. Billie was making her smoker. She thought it was working but when she lifted the lid there was no smoke. It’s a shock, she needs to get her fish bones smoked, quickly, there was only 1/2 an hour to go.
There’s only 15 minutes remaining. Jessica is working on her crispy shallots. Reynold is frying his shallots as well. Billie is running behind still. She finally got the bones smoked and she is wrapping up her tartare rolls in the cucumber jelly.
Jessica begins plating up the dish and uses the drawing she did at the beginning to guide her. Billie has overcooked her shallots and they are now bitter. Reynold is plating up too, he is relying on his memory to guide him.
There’s only 2 minutes to go. Billie has cooked another lot of shallots and they look much better. She finally begins plating up too. Reynold forgets his cucumber as he is plating up but Georgia reminds him to put it on the plate. The contestants have plated up and now have an extra 5 minutes to cook their fish. Reynold is worried as he has put two pieces of pickled cucumber on his plate instead of only one.
It’s judgement time. Billie is up first. She begins to cook her fish and plates the dish up. She takes her dish in to the judges. The judges notice there should be a bit more dressing on the plate. Matt says the fish is really well cooked. Brett says it is spot on. George says the fish is cooked beautifully, it’s subtle, gorgeous and yum.
Next up is Jessica. She begins to cook her fish on the grill and attempts to take it off but it is stuck. She is worried the fish might fall apart. She has torn the skin. She plates it up and coats it in the dressing before presenting it to the judges. The judges notice the skin is torn but they don’t seem to be bothered by it, they are impressed with the amount of dressing though. Matt says the sauce is spectacular, it’s smoky and rich and sweet. It’s an absolute smash. George mentions the torn skin again but says the fish is cooked really well. He loves the dressing.
It’s finally Reynold’s turn. He begins to cook his fish. He decides to not follow the recipe and flips the fish in the pan. He also tears the skin when removing it from the wire rack. He takes his dish in to the judges. They notice the problem with the skin on the fish and the extra piece of cucumber. Brett noticed the fish was overcooked as he had not cooked it correctly. George says it is jam packed full of flavour. He really likes the tartare with the thin layer of cucumber jelly. Matt says all three dishes have been cooked really well. It seems as though it will be a tough decision for the judges today.
The judges say it comes down to the little details. Reynold’s fish was overcooked and that is why he is going home today.
Reynold was eliminated from Masterchef tonight.Â
Sad to see Reynold go, he’s an amazing talent and very humble guy. I wish him every success for the future hoping his desert bar opens so I can go for a belly full of his extraordinary deserts. Good luck with it all Reynold be lucky.
That Passionfruit Sphere he made looked awesome, it actually made me want to try to make it but sadly I lack some of the tools in my kitchen not to mention the talent it took to create that.
About time we got rid of Reynold, just need to get rid of Jessica now and all will be well in the Masterchef world. Hope that good looking Georgia wins (but I wouldn’t be too upset if Billie won either) so long as Jessica (cry me a river) Arnott doesn’t
Think you got wrong there Peter it’s a cooking show not Miss World and I think you need to go to Specsavers.
fully agree with what you say. its not who looks pretty is a cooking show!
You can borrow my glasses, mate .. so you can see better !!!
It becomes so predictable that every year…every year MCA has alternated winners …2009-Julie G, 2010-Adam L ,2011-Kate B, 2012-Andy A, 2013-Emma D , 2014-Brent O. …I guess its a lady who is taking the trophy this year unless they break the so predictive winners cycle. Alas, not tonight…the last man standing takes a bow out of Masterchef Kitchen….but with his head high and he should be proud of himself. Anyway.. majority of MCA fans are hoping its Billy but it could be anybodys game on Mon nite. Good luck ladies, may the best woman wins!!!!!
All the best Billie, Georgia & Jessica. I really hope Billie wins! It makes me cross when people out there go off about the contestants when they cry on the show. Ok yes they might but hey we have never been on Masterchef before and have no idea the immense pressure they must be under. I think if you are going to make nasty comments about the contestants take a look at yourself first and I think you may be surprised!
Billie is cool, calm and collected always. She could run rings around the others and has done so right from the get go. Good luck to all
It is quite clear that Georgia is going to win the coveted title. I think it has been already decided by judges. (?????)
I really hope Billie wins. Either jessica or billie really. I’m sick of seeing georgia being the judges’ favourite. If georgia wins, a lot of the audience will be disappointed in the show. I’d rather watch MKR only from now on if that’s the case, because i found that manu, peter and colin are really fair in their judging abilities . this is just my personal opinion when comparing the two shows.
Agreed. MC becoming repetitive and predictable. And that same “happy” music they play each time they like a dish. Would prefer George and Matt were more prominent; why is Gary suddenly dominating the show? Used to love this show……no longer authentic. I think there has been too much smoke blown………
Reynold’s strength lies in cooking desserts because that is where his passion lies. For such a young man, he’s truly, remarkably talented and will really shine and succeed in many years to come and will be australia’s pride. I can’t wait to see what he’ll achieve in the next few years! well done reynold!!!
watching semi final now…i feel the scenes r telling me Jessica is going home….my guess