Source: Twitter
Tonight is a mystery box challenge put together by the head chef at Attica in Mlebourne Ben Shewry. What was in the Mystery box?
The judges will only be tasting the top dishes, so the contestant’s dishes must not only taste great, but sound interesting and look good.
Here are the ingredients for tonight’s Masterchef Mystery Box.
- Quandongs
- Scallops
- Wax Flower
- Wattle Seed
- Sea Lettuce
- Cheese
- Lemon Aspin Juice
- Kangaroo
The dishes tasted were:

Ice Cream Sandwich
Jess’s Carpaccio
Tamara’s Quandong stack with brik pastry
Trent’s Quandong Semifreddo
Nicole’s Kangaroo Tartare
Ray’s Ice Cream Sandwich
The winner of the mystery box challenge was Ray’s Ice Cream Sandwich. His advantage is to pick the technique to be used in the invention test.
They are Pickling, Curing or Smoking.
Ray picks the technique of smoking.
Although Ray had the advantage of picking the technique he is struggling to get enough smoky flavour in his broth, he is worried he’ll be in the bottom three.
The top three dishes belong to Sarah, Sam and Eloise. Eloise had the dish of the day.
These contestants get to compete for an immunity pin.
The bottom three dishes belong to Pia, Pete and Ray. They will compete in tomorrow’s pressure test and one person will be eliminated.